


Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property (IP) refers to creations of the intellect for which a monopoly is assigned to designated owners by law. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) are the protections granted to the creators of artistic works including music and literature, as well as discoveries, inventions, words, phrases, symbols, and designs, which all can be protected via the law of intellectual property. The law of IP includes but is not limited to Trademarks, Copyright, Patents, in some jurisdictions trade secrets, etc.


The firm specializes in intellectual property matters and provides services in the following fields and acts for a number of foreign corporations and associates in intellectual property matters such as:


    • Patents
    • Designs
    • Trade Marks
    • Copyright
    • Licensing
    • Franchising



  • Patents

Consultancy services in relation to Patent provided by the firm include searches with respect to patentability of new inventions, searches and opinions regarding the validity and scope of previously issued patents, and infringement investigations to determine if an article or process infringes a valid patent.

The firm also offers comprehensive services in preparing, filing and prosecuting patent applications, oppositions and infringement litigation.


  • Designs

The firm offers comprehensive services in preparing, filing and prosecuting patent applications, oppositions and infringement litigation.


  • Trade Marks

The firm serves its clients in every phase of the adoption and protection of trademarks and certification marks. This includes the carrying out of searches at the Trade Marks Registry for clearance and determining registrability of the mark, the preparation of trade mark applications and the representation of the client through every step of the process leading to the grant of registration. Where required the firm also conducts a review of all marks which have been initially approved by the Trade Marks Registry in order to identify possible conflicts with the marks of its clients. These watch services afford an opportunity to oppose registration of conflicting marks which could damage a client’s rights and also serve to detect possible infringements. The firm provides a full range of legal services in trade mark infringements, including litigation services.


  • Copyright

Services offered to clients in the copyright field include infringement reviews, counseling and litigation, registration for all types of works. The firm represents both domestic and foreign copyright owners.The presence of the Copyright Office in Karachi, allows the firm to quickly file to register and protect the copyrights of its clients or research the facts behind an infringement claim.


  • Licensing of Intellectual Property Rights and Transfers of Technology

Foreign and domestic licensing and assignment of various rights including patent, trade secret, trademark, copyright and “know-how” constitute an important service to the firm’s clients and are referred to generally as “technology transfers”.


  • Franchising

Services offered to clients in relation to franchising include advice relating to the setting up, operation and management of franchises in Pakistan, the licensing requirements, the protection of intellectual property rights, investments and foreign exchange regulations, taxation and other regulatory requirements, as well as issues regarding real estate and monopolies, and in this connection drafting of franchise, trademark and distributor/license agreements and leasing agreements.

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